Институт археологии и этнографии СО РАН совместно с Национальным университетом Кыргызстана им. Ж. Баласагына, Ошским государственным университетом и международной лабораторией ZooSCAn при поддержке фонда “История отечества” и Российского научного фонда (РНФ) проводит Центральноазиатскую археологическую полевую школу (ЦААПШ). В рамках полевой школы будут проведены мастер-классы, практикумы, экскурсии в музеи и на археологиеские объекты, а также участие […]
Author: admin
Fossil birds from the Roof of the World: The first avian fauna from High Asia and its implications for late Quaternary environments in Eastern Pamir
The Eastern Pamir (eastern Tajikistan) is a high-mountain plateau with elevations up to 7000 m, currently characterized by extremely severe environmental conditions and harboring a specialized montane fauna, which in part is shared with that of the Tibetan Plateau. The modern bird fauna of High Asia comprises a diversity of both ancient and recently diverged […]
Early dispersal of neolithic domesticated sheep into the heart of central Asia
Along the Tian Shan and Alay mountain ranges of Central Asia, sheep and other domestic livestock form the core economy of contemporary life. Although it was here that the movements of their ancient predecessors helped to shape the great trade networks of the Silk Road, domestic animals were thought to have come relatively late to […]
Rewriting the history of domestic animals in the shadow of the proto-Silk Road
New discoveries made through ancient DNA show that early animal domestication took root in the mountains of Central Asia more than 8000 years ago, nearly three millennia earlier than previously recognized. Central Asia is a land of animals, and a land of social connections. For centuries, people in the high mountains of the continental interior […]
Early dispersal of neolithic domesticated sheep into the heart of central Asia
Along the Tian Shan and Alay mountain ranges of Central Asia, sheep and other domestic livestock form the core economy of contemporary life. Although it was here that the movements of their ancient predecessors helped to shape the great trade networks of the Silk Road, domestic animals were thought to have come relatively late to […]